Sunday, September 25, 2011

All About Me!

Hi! My name's Emma and I'm in 8th grade. My dad's in the military, so we move around alot. This is the 7th place I've lived! My favorite subjects in school are History, English, and any music or art classes. Some activities I do are acting, dancing, guitar lessons, and singing. Other hobbies I like to do are reading and hanging out with friends.  That's a little bit about me!


  1. Hiii Emma....Its so cool that you act, dance, and sing!!!Do you take classes???

  2. My dad's in the reserves! I dance too! What kind of dancing do you do?
    -Bella <3

  3. Hey Emma! Do you play acoustic or electric guitar? And what kinds of books do you like to read?

  4. Guitar? I've always wanted to learn! Lucky!

  5. Sanjana, I don't take classes yet, but I will when I find a place to go to!
    Olivia, I don't do a particular dance, I normally just do whatevers offered, so I'll do mostly anything!
    Ms. Mystrena, I actually play classical guitar, and I like to read mostly any books series that I find!
