Reflect: In 2012 I changed A LOT. I am more involved in my faith now and I help out at church. Also, I don't care about what other people think or say what I should and shouldn't do anymore, I just do what I want. I look back at my last few years and I realized that I have been trying to be like everyone else and do what everyone wants a person to do. I just recently read a Bible verse, I forgot what it was, but it said to not conform to the world, and that verse changed me so much. I am going to keep on working on that and do what is right and what I want to do instead of what society wants. This year has probably changed me the most in so many ways, and I'm proud of myself for it, but there is still room for improvement. I have also realized that so many little annoyances in life don't matter, and I shouldn't focus on them, because they don't even matter in the end!
My procrastination has gotten really bad, though. Also, my grades are kind of going down. I'm still a good student, but I have noticed that I am trying less in school. I am hoping that I will change and I will become more motivated.
Resolve: Normally, I don't do New Years resolutions since I don't keep them. In fact, most of the time no one keeps them. However, I decided to make some, but really I always have goals throughout the year, especially at the beginning of the school year instead of the New Year. My goals are that I want to procrastinate less. I also want to get a job and finish the school year with straight A's each quarter.
Great, honest post.