The movie Life in a Day is a documentary film where people all around the world submitted videos of their life on a single day: July 24th 2010. They were uploaded to Youtube, then clips were put together to make one full length movie showing all of the submitted videos. There was 4,500 hours of footage from all the videos submitted from 192 countries. Life in a Day is free to stream on Youtube, too. It is funny at some parts, sad at others, but overall it is a really great film.
There were a few scenes that were most memorable to me. A few parts is when they showed clips really fast together that had to do with eachother, like the sunrise and breakfast getting ready. Also, I remember the really pretty clips of nature like bubbles on the water. I remember the sad stories too about poor people in deprived countries, like a little boy who had to work despite how young he was. The last one I remember was a reoccurring person; the man who rides his bike around the world.
Scenes with positive emotions were scenes where people were smiling and singing and looking like they enjoyed life, like the African women making food. Some negative emotions though were videos where people looked upset and also videos where people were dealing with a lot of bad things in their life, and other bad situations, like the event in Germany where there was a lot of violence.
Patterns of humanity I noticed were that many people from the poorer parts of the world, no matter how hard there life was, still appreciated their life and were happy about the small things they had. Even people from richer countries said things like that too, even though they have more than poorer people. So, it means that almost everyone in the videos enjoy life, no matter what.
There were many juxtapositions where it showed a poor country to a rich country, or a sad story to a happy story, but I only remember one. In this one, a family in Africa were searching for food and making their own shelter. One woman was even drinking water out of a leaf! The scene right after that showed a sprinkler. It shows that some people need water, and others have a lot to spare.
I liked this film because it really made me think about what life is like outside the U.S. and other richer countries. This also all happened in one day, which is amazing. The only thing i didn't like about it was that it was sort of boring at some parts. It also jumped to different scenes at others. It even could be too much to handle for some people. Overall though, it was a very good movie and I would recommend it to a friend because it was fun to watch and has a very deep meaning to it.
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