Friday, March 22, 2013

Terri Schiavo Case Study

I think this bioethics unit was a very hard one, and I still have mixed feelings about the Terri Schiavo case. From all the research I've done and things I've found out, I feel bad for Terri because of all the fighting over what should be done with her and the media attention. Although I do believe she is still a human being who deserves to live and is showing signs of life, I agree more with disconnecting her from life support. Nothing that happened to her was really worth it, and she will never be able to live without life support again, so I feel bad saying this, but I don't think keeping her alive would be worth it. I mean, I could see how waiting at the most 5 years would be okay, but after that I'm not sure if a person would want to go beyond that if they wouldn't be able to "live". 
That brings me to option number 2:  Is Terri Schiavo still a person? Is she the same person? Well, she is still a person, and the same person, on the inside. She will always be Terri Schiavo, and have the same "soul" even if she cannot express emotion and personality. It might not seem like she is the same person, but she is. She might be changed physically and mentally, but she is still herself. 

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